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Photo #115632

Last Name: Paradis

First Name: Anna

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Portland

Subject's State: ME

Subject's County: Cumberland

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1921-1940

Photographer: Wight

Photographer's City: Portland

Photographer's State: ME


Type**: B&W

Comments: Anna Paradis (Nee: ) | Portland ME United States | 1921-1940 | Comments: This photo is from the Ethel Wight Studio, Portland, Maine. The envelope this negative was in says, “Miss Anna Paradis, 35 Woodmont St #138.” What I discovered about several Anna Paradis. The 1934 Portland City Directory does not list an Anna Paradis. At 35 Woodmont lives Philip M Libby. Likewise, the 1935 Portland city Directory does not list an Anna Paradis and has Philip M Libby living at 35 Woodmont St. The 1940 Census lists an Anna Paradis, the 27-year-old wife of Herbert Paradis, Living in Skowhegan, Maine. Although the age is about right, the Anna in this photograph is identified as Miss so this is not the correct Anna Paradis. The 1932 Waterville City Directory list Anna and Herbert as married, living in Waterville. The 1940 Census lists a 51-year-old Marie Anna Paradis living with her husband Ferdinand in Winslow, Maine. On 16 January 1933, an Anna Paradis, of Presque Isle, ME, married Cyrille Boutote of Ft. Kent. Because the photo was taken about 1934, this is unlikely the same Anna Paradis. Anna was 25 during the 1940 Census and lived in Fort Kent in both 1935 and 1940. On 20 October 1936, an Anna Paradis who married Louis Coulomb. Anna lived in Ft. Kent and Louis in New Canada, Maine. Twenty-five-year-old Anna and her husband Louis lived in New Canada in 1940, and Anna lived in Fort Kent in 1935. On 16 February 1937, an Anna Paradis, of Caribou, ME, married Reuben Saunders, also of Caribou. In 1940, Rubin and 25-year-old Anna Saunders lived in Caribou and lived in the same place in 1935. The 1930 US Census lists Philip M Libby living with his wife Florence Libby at 35 Woodmont. Living with him are a servant, Julia Hall, and a nurse, Dorothy Haskell. The 1938 Westbrook City directory indicates that Philip and Florence lived in Westbrook, but wintered in Portland. My speculation I believe this photo is of Anna Paradis, taken about 1934. I believe she was likely either a servant or nurse in the household of Philip M and Florence Libby. In any event, based upon this photo package, I am unable to determine which of several Anna Paradis women she is.

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Anna Paradis

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