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Photo #84486

Last Name: Parkinson

First Name: Edwin

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Pittsburg

Subject's State: Pa

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1921-1940

Photographer: Scott Studio

Photographer's City: Pittsburg

Photographer's State: Pa


Type**: GRP

Comments: Edwin Parkinson (Nee: ) | Pittsburg Pa USA | 1921-1940 | Comments: Dilworth school dated January 8th 1930. I believe Dilworth school is in Pittsburg Pa . The kids signed the back . Grace Stine My mother in law is in the first row third one over Names : Top Row L to R -Margaret Medick, Harry Makler,Isabelle Pasette,Herman Werksman,Peggy Jackson,Fritz Bentzel. Next row:L to R -Romea Metadore(sp),Helen Gloras, Edwin Parkinson, Adaline Castricone(sp),Albert Martinei, Margerette Scott,Lester Millstine(sp). Next Row L to R - Charles Pappa,Anna Belluci(sp),Phil Lettermen,Dorothy James,Billie Donnell, Hazel Geltenboth, Ludan Lox, Dorothy Karl, Louis Esposito. Next to bottom row L to R - David Harmon,Anne Wesbrook, Frank Miller, Margaret Wolfe, Unege Ramsey, Dorothy Dean, La Vern Salem. Bottom Row L to Right -George Clark, Lucille Costanza, Grace Stine, Marion Sandy(sp), Elvira Smith Connie Algeo Donated these photos to DeadFred. She Writes , I found these wonderful photos of Virginia and Franchon Diebold among my mother in laws photos along with a scrapbook with newspaper articles of the Diebold sisters with information about them. In an album was found a picture from Dilworth school dated January 8th 1930. I believe Dilworth school is in Pittsburg Pa . The kids signed the back . Grace Stine My mother in law is in the first row third one over . There is also a photo of my step father William Gladstone Brown in Ella Street School ,Room 2 1906 . I believe this is also Pittsburg Pa Contact:

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Everyone Listed In This Photo:

Anna Bellinci
Fritz Bentzel
Adaline Castracone
George Clark
Lucille Constanza
Dorothy Dean
Billie Donnell
Lewis Espesito
Hazel Giltenboth
Helen Gloras
David Harmon
Peggy Jackson
Dorothy James
Dorothy Karl
Phil Letterman
Judson Lox
Harry Makler
Albert Martini
Romea Matadore
Margaret Medick
Frank Miller
Grace Millstine
Lester Millstine
Charles Pappa
Edwin Parkinson
Isabelle Pasetti
Inze Ramsey
La Vern Salem
Marian Sandy
Margarette Scott
Elvira Smith
Grace Stine
Herman Werksmann
Annie Westbrook
Margaret Wolfe

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