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Photo #84177


First Name: ARTHUR

Middle Name:

Subject's City: PEABODY

Subject's State: Ma

Subject's County: Essex

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1901-1920


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Type**: Group

Comments: ARTHUR WILLIAMS (Nee: ) | PEABODY Ma USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: USED WITH KIND PERMISSION FROM OWNER. Description: This is an original cabinet photo of school students posing in front of their school. Cabinet photos like these are fairly common, but NOT when the subjects can be identified!! Glad someone saved this from the dumpster!! Nothing like having the original in your collection!! Although the exact location is not given, I was able to determine all these children lived in Peabody MA, and when I checked the 1900 census, all the children were almost next door neighbors in Peabody. In the top left corner on the reverse, is a date of "1902" and also the word "Peabody." Although some of the names have been partially worn off, I was able to see enough of the name (and using the census mentioned above) I can positively ID all the children. Unfortunately, the teacher is only labeled as "teacher." She is in the front row, far left. I am still trying to determine who the teacher may have been, as well as the exact school in the neighborhood. Although she appears very young, she is listed as one of the eight in the front row. Probably late teens or early twenties. After a little research, pretty sure this was the "West School" which later became the Kiley School. I know that Bessie Taylor in the photo, taught at Kiley. Makes sense that the Taylor siblings all attended this school near their home. All the kids in the photo (as of 1900) were in the range of 9-13 years old, and there were several siblings. Here is the complete list of children in the photo: Bottom Row - Teacher, Maude White, Florence Little, Carrie Twiss, Bessie Taylor, Rena Decatur, Grace Taylor, Esther Danforth Middle Row - Lawrence Durkee, Levi Danforth, Grover Durkee, Lyman Twiss, Thomas Durkee, Fannie Smith, Helen Durkee, Florence Cowan, Frances Stickney Top Row - William Southwick, George Taylor, Arthur Collins, Arthur Williams

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