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Photo #60699

Last Name: Barnes

First Name: Gideon

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Barnesville

Subject's State: GA

Subject's County: Lamar

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1851-1900


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Type**: PRT

Comments: Gideon Barnes (Nee: ) | Barnesville GA United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Founding Period 1825-1830 Barnesville's beginnings The area upon which Barnesville was formed was open for white settlement by the Land Lottery of 1821. The land had become available subsequent to the removal of the Creek Indians. Barnesville began as a small clearing in the wilderness by an Indian fighter named Jenks in 1825. The first white man in the area was not suited to be settled in one place. Therefore, Jenks sold out to Gideon Barnes in 1826. Barnes, a native of Southampton, Virginia, quickly went to work clearing virgin timber from the land in order to establish the area's first commercial district. He built a double log cabin on a hill where Summers cotton warehouse would later be built. This warehouse is used today as the City of Barnesville Electrical Department. In addition to the cabin, he built an inn and a tavern for travelers. People came to the village by wagon or horseback. Barnes decided to establish a passenger and a freight line between Macon and Barnes' Store and between Columbus and Barnes' Store. He also opened a post office on June 28, 1827, which was known as Barnes' Store. The post office name was changed to Barnesville in June of 1831. Barnes was the village's first postmaster. Drivers and horses had to be secured to run the stage lines. Housing for the new families brought to town had to be provided. Stores providing clothing, hardware, food and livestock began operating and business was brisk. The stage lines passed through Barnesville daily traveling on the Towns Road, which connected with the Alabama Road west of the village. The stage that traveled the Alabama Road connected Augusta, Georgia with Montgomery, Alabama. The stages carried freight, mail and passengers. The stage would stop at Barnes' tavern and inn to hitch fresh horses and to allow the passengers to refresh themselves with food and drink. With the exception of the town plan/street layout, no resources survive from this early period (1825-1830). website:,%2Bga%2Bcourthouse%26start%3D60%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

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Gideon Barnes

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