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Photo #60369

Last Name:

First Name: Andrine or Ottillie

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Menominee

Subject's State: WI

Subject's County: Menominee

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Powell

Photographer's City: Menominee

Photographer's State: WI

Nee: Olausdatter

Type**: B&W

Comments: Andrine or Ottillie (Nee: Olausdatter) | Menominee WI United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: This photo is labeled, "sister of Hans Olaussen Hodt," however we don't know which sister. We have photos of two of his sisters (Augusta and Dorthe), and this appears to be a different person. So that leaves only Andrine and Ottillie. This family (Hans Olaus Iversen and Anne Marie Andersdatter and their 7 children) lived in Norway, and until my cousin showed me this photo, I was unaware that any of them ever immigrated to the United States. But that appears to be the case--since the bottom of the photo is labeled, "Menominee, Wis." I have searched immigration and census records, and still have not been able to determine which sister immigrated. I would appreciate any help you can offer. Also, I'm having difficulty pinning down a time period. This appears to me to be pre-1900, but I'm no expert. So if anyone can help me pin down a time period, that would also help a lot. Thanks in advance.

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Andrine or Ottillie

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