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Photo #117902

Last Name: Burchfield or Birchfield

First Name: John

Middle Name: Russel

Subject's City: Greenville

Subject's State: PA

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Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Smith

Photographer's City: Greenville

Photographer's State: PA


Type**: CC

Comments: John Russel Burchfield or Birchfield (Nee: ) | Greenville PA | 1851-1900 | Comments: I have an old studio photograph identified as John Russel BURCHFIELD which was taken by C. E. Smith from Greenville, PA. John is identified as 4 months old at the time the photograph was taken. In addition, the date 9 Jul 1896 is also written on the back of the photograph, likely his birthdate or the date the photograph was taken. I believe that this is a photograph of John Russell BIRCHFIELD or BURCHFIELD and based on limited research I gathered the following information regarding John and his family: John BIRCHFIELD was b. 9 Jul 1896 in Ashtabula or Eagle, OH to either: parents Rev. James Reade BURCHFIELD (1834-1896) and Orinda Mary PUTNAM (1850-1896) married 28 Nov 1889 in Medina Co., OH. John was one of 7 children born to this couple including Kate Elizabeth; William “Willie” Charles; Jennie “Jean”; Brad; Neal Dow; Baby Girl; Baby Boy; and John Russell BURCHFIELD or parents Lewis Putnum BIRCHFIELD (b. 1876) and Mae Orinda PUTNAM (1869-1832). John was the only child born to this couple. His mother was married a second time and had two additional sons, C. Hugh WILLIAMS (b. 1904) and Clarence Holden WILLIAMS (1904-1988). John married Rose Adeline or Christine LUNDQUIST or DUTKA on 7 Nov 1918 in Manhattan, NY and they had three children including John Russell BIRCHFIELD III (1922-2015) and Lewis Putnam BIRCHFIELD (1923-2001) and Jacqueline R. BIRCHFIELD (1834-1999). John 13 Nov 1964 in Cleveland, OH and is buried in the Lakewood Park Cemetery in Rocky River, OH. Lots of conflicting information on this family, though I would still like to find a family member and get the photograph back to the care of family. If you are a member of this family or know someone who might be, please contact me. Thanks, Shelley

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John Burchfield or Birchfield

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