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Photo #75872

Last Name: Eiker

First Name: Thaddeus

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Washington

Subject's State: DC

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Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1901-1920


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Type**: B&W

Comments: Thaddeus Eiker (Nee: ) | Washington DC USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: Mrs. Isaac (Hannah Koontz) of Washington, DC with her son Thaddeus Benjamin Eiker and her dog. The photo was taken about 1915, probably at her home in Washington. She was born about 1831 in Pennsylvania and married Isaac Eiker of Adams County, PA and they later lived in Quincy, Franklin County, PA before permanently settling in Washington, DC where they owned a grocery store. They had children named Cornelius and Samuel (twins); James; David; Isaac; Thaddeus Benjamin: Frisby; Laura; and Henry (Harvey?). She lived to be 91 years old, dying in 1922. Her son "Ben" (Thaddeus Benjamin) was born in February of 1860 in Quincy, PA. He married Amalia Henrietta Friedrich, a German girl born in England, in 1891 in Manhattan, New York. Afterwards they moved to Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey and then to Asbury Park, Monmouth County, NJ where Ben was a prominent newspaper publisher. Ben and Henrietta had children named Beatrice, Henrietta, and Helen (married a Mr. Zimmerwinkel). Henrietta died in the 1920's and by 1930 Ben was living in a "guest home" in Evanston, Cook County, Illinois

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Anna Eiker
Thaddeus Eiker

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