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Photo #70881

Last Name: Eagle

First Name: Karen

Middle Name: Louise

Subject's City: TUCSON

Subject's State: AZ

Subject's County: Pima

Subject's Country: U. S. A.

Date: 1901-1920


Photographer's City: Clay

Photographer's State: WV


Type**: B&W

Comments: Karen Louise Eagle (Nee: EAGLE) | TUCSON AZ U. S. A. | 1901-1920 | Comments: Evelyne Eagle McLaughlin had this picture printed in a Clay Co., WV newspaper many years ago. Evelyne sent me the copy I am posting. Evelyne was trying to find the names of those listed who had attended this Eagle-Boggs Reunion. Two of my uncles thought that the woman, on the far right, middle row, holding a baby, was: One uncle thought she was his grandmother Mary E. (Boggs) Davis, who had died sometime after the birth of Sampson C. Davis, in February of 1894, and before Morris Gordon Davis married his second wife, on 18 November, 1896 . Of cource, none of my uncles remembered Mary E. (Boggs) Davis as she died many years before they were born. They were remembering her likeness from pictures they had seen, in their home. Another uncle thought that the same woman was his mother, who apparently looked much like her mother, Mary E. (Boggs) Davis. Louisa Mae (Davis) Eagle is a daughter of Morris Gordon Davis and his first wife, Mary E. Boggs. Since the older , of the two uncles, is now deceased. I am uncertain as to the year the picture was made, due to the fact we are not certain if the woman was Mary E. (Boggs) Davis or Louisa Mae (Davis) Eagle. However, the designated woman looks a great deal like my granny Eagle, Louisa Mae (Davis) Eagle. Granny Louisa Eagle was not as full-bodied as the woman, in the picture, seems to have been. My Granny Eagle was a small woman and about 5 foot two inches tall. My fear is that unless some person has this picture chronicled we may never know the names of these dear persons pictured.

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Karen Eagle

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